...Sorry if I'm quiet

"It's alright, it's nice just to have you here"

You tilt to the right, laying your side side against the back of the seat

Water drops flow down the window in front of you diluting the lights that are behind them, one drop at a time

The lights melt with the water, some becoming a small watery dot, others cover much of the view for a few moments

Before shrinking back down or just contine moving out of view

Each only a small bit of the colofrul river that flows right outside your window.

Your seat rumbles just a little, just enough sensation to feel pleasent.

Buildings walk across the view, some clear with soft bright lights others just plain dark

Each with their own set of stories, their own owners, daily visitors and ocasional special presences

Cars sometimes pass by, in the seats silhouettes of else minds, tired minds,

Flowing through the river, waiting patiently so they can continue their lives, driving to reach the rest

Some even resting already, on the back seat staring at the thin-fabric coated ceiling

as they drift off to the sounds of the whistling winds and soft tapping of water that runs besides them.