Conceptual Tabletop RPG

This is the same as the paragraph on the projects page
So, recently I've really started getting into tabletop RPG for the first time, I adored the idea years ago, but never really grasped what it actually was about. That added to the lack of people with the same interests resulted into me never having really had a full on TTRPG session. For the past couple months however, my close group of friends wanted to start one they've played before but I had never and it has been great!
And because of that, while playing and reading the rules, watching videos about TTRPG in genreal, more and more so recently I've began wondering... What if I made a TTRPG? Rules, classes, combat systems, items, weapons, all that fun shit!
But I'll remind you, this is in the newly added Concepts Section, meaning this is just thoguht play, I have no plans on bringing this further than just speculation, specially since I'm completely aware that making something like a ttrpg, in whatever scale is immensely complicated. Something simple like a card game already requires a lot of work to ballance it, now imagine something with a bunch of different combining systems, where some rules are strict while others are merely up to interpretation.
But oh well, my dum little mind can't help but brew up stuff like this so here we are!

General overview

One thing I was certain of, pretty much my first thought after "What if I made an RGP?" was "I want it to allow for every theme", what I mean by that is that there's nothing holdingyoudown from making a character however you want. Cyberpunk, middle earth, classic monsters, old west, common reality, stone age, anything you want you can be!
One thing this will require is heavy consideration by the game master, a lot of things to be decided on the fly and will depend on interpretation.
I don't want to straight up copy and paste anything but I genuinely love the way dice rolls work on Paranormal Order and prefer over D&D

Random themes that could be covered:

Stone Age

Character sheet items:


Inteligence - How good you can put things together in your mind
Agility - How fast your mind comunicates with your body
Phisical - How tough your body is
Charisma - How social your character is
Stability - How sound your mind can get


I think it would make sense to separate the classes per theme? Though some classes are multi theme..